
Our SMO Package

Welcome to Indowebhub Digital Marketing & Web Development Company

INR. 6500 + 18% GST/-
    Min. Contract: 6 Months
Channel:- Any 2 Channel Optimisation
Identify Business Goals
Account Management Any 2 Platforms
Analyze Your Audiences
Create Social Media Calendar
Create a Content Strategy
Identify Hashtags
Social Trending
Facebook Promotion
Profile Optimization
Creative Image :- 8 image
FB Timeline Status Posting = 15
Post Sharing in Groups= 5
Cover Image Creative and Upload:- 1
Targeted Page Likes
Video Sharing(provided by client)
Call To One Time Action Button
Facebook Insight Monitoring
Deleting of unwanted spam
Traffic Monitoring Through Google Analytics
Sponsored Ads (Additional Cost)
Twitter Promotion
Profile Optimization
Tweets 15 Posting
Targeted Twitter Followers Increase
Background Image Creative & Upload : 1
Cover Photo Creative and Upload
Sponsored Tweets(Additional Cost)
Twitter Analytics Monitoring
YouTube Promotion
Youtube Channel Optimization
5 Video Uploads(provided by client)
Video Promotion:- 10
Video Title & Meta Optimization
Thumbnail Creative for Videos
Youtube Subscribers
Youtube Discussion Posting
Monthly Reporting
Search Engine Rank Report
SMO Activity Reports
Google Analytics Report
INR. 11000 + 18% GST/-
    Min. Contract: 6 Months
Channel:- Any 3 Channel Optimisation
Identify Business Goals
Account Management Any 3 Platforms
Analyze Your Audiences
Create Social Media Calendar
Create a Content Strategy
Identify Hashtags
Social Trending
Facebook Promotion
Profile Optimization
Creative Image :- 8 image
FB Timeline Status Posting = 20
Post Sharing in Groups= 7
Cover Image Creative and Upload:- 1
Targeted Page Likes
Video Sharing(provided by client)
Call To One Time Action Button
Facebook Insight Monitoring
Deleting of unwanted spam
Traffic Monitoring Through Google Analytics
Sponsored Ads (Additional Cost)
Group Creation :-1
Twitter Promotion
Profile Optimization
Tweets 15 Posting
Targeted Twitter Followers Increase
Background Image Creative & Upload : 1
Cover Photo Creative and Upload
Sponsored Tweets(Additional Cost)
Twitter Analytics Monitoring
YouTube Promotion
Youtube Channel Optimization
Channel Creative Upload
10 Video Uploads(provided by client)
Video Promotion:- 20
Video Title & Meta Optimization
Thumbnail Creative for Videos
Youtube Subscribers
Youtube Discussion Posting
Monthly Reporting
Search Engine Rank Report
SMO Activity Reports
Google Analytics Report

Style Switcher

Select Layout
Chose Color
Chose Pattren
Chose Background